in case you’re wondering, my name is casablanca 966. yes, that is my genesis. if ever a name were immaculately suited, it is mine. and believe me, i live up to every last character.steely. that’s a fairly accurate description of me, i guess. at least that’s what they say. i personally, don’t think i’m cold enough to be steeeeelllly, although i admit that i am mildly biased. 

i am deep, but not hard. there’s a softness to me that makes me appear more fluid than i really am. i am reflective in thought, but not at all in appearance. 

i like to think of myself as the feminine answer to nimbus gray. in truth, i’m more neutral than feminine, but there is a hint of pearl in my essence that palliates my texture. it gives me more of a sheen than a glow if you will. 

my hue is more complex than silver, but simple minds often confuse us, which annoys me to no end. anyone with one good eye can see that silver is not even in the same zip code as me. i liken the comparison to Cadbury and Godiva, they are so not the same

at first glance, you can tell that i am high-grade. i’ve got a certain je ne sais quoi. there are simply no words that can accurately characterize my resplendence. i was not designed to be observed, i was intended to be experienced.

go ahead… take me in.